Feel Comfortable With Your Parents Moving In With Home Remodeling Services

6 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog


When you go to your parents' house, you may notice that they have certain features to help them get around and stay safe. You may not have these features in your own home, which can make it difficult to invite your parents to stay over for an extended period. Wanting them to move in makes such features even more important because you want to make sure that they are always safe and comfortable. It is easy to fix this problem and feel confident about your parents moving in when you remodel your house:

Entry Ramps

The first project that you may want to take on is putting entry ramps for the entryways. Even if there are just a few stairs to reach the front door, going up then may not be easy for your parents to handle. If your parents need to use a walker, crutches, or a wheelchair, having a ramp will be necessary. A home remodeling company can make sure the ramp is built with handicap accessibility requirements in mind. It is an option to start with the front entrance and then take care of the backyard entryway later.


While your parents may not be handicapped, you should consider adding railing around the house. For instance, putting rails in the bathroom will be helpful for making the room easier for your parents to use. They can use rails for support when getting off the toilet or while they are taking a shower. Making these kinds of additions to your home will minimize the chance that they slip and fall on a hard surface,


Another change that you should consider is putting carpet in some areas.  The living room, dining room, and hallways are some great options because you can expect your parents to be in these areas frequently. It is also worth putting carpet in their bedroom to make sure it is a safe place for them to be in. Carpeting will not prevent falls from causing injury, but it will drastically reduce the chances of it being a serious injury when compared to other flooring options such as tile, hardwood, or concrete. If you do not want to make huge changes or you would like to minimize costs, you can just put carpet in their bedroom.

Investing in home remodeling may be all that you need to start living with your parents while feeling confident that they are in a safe place.